Using a birth ball during pregnancy and early labour

July 01, 2022

The benefits of using birth balls in labour have been suspected for a while, and in 2020 a study was published that confirmed some amazing statistics. The Ball Trial was introduced to look into women’s experiences of using a birth ball in labour. Not only did birth balls improve women’s early labour experience, they were associated with hospital admissions later in labour, and amazingly they reduced the rate of unplanned caesarean birth. 

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Looking for an NCT class in Tonbridge or Tunbridge Wells?

March 05, 2022

NCT classes cover a broad range of topics and can give a good overview of the things you’re going to face as a new parent – whether that’s the stages of labour, your options for feeding your baby or how to change a nappy.

If you are wanting to prepare for birth and parenthood in more detail, here are some brilliant further options!

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