"How many weeks pregnant am I?" - Read this before looking at that due date calculator!

October 12, 2023

So you’ve just found out you’re pregnant (congratulations!) and you’re searching for a due date calculator! We all do it...we all want to know that magical "due date"! But…before you etch that magical date into every calendar and tell all your friends and family… here are 3 things to think about!

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5 ways to reduce your anxiety in pregnancy

June 08, 2023

Many of my clients come to me because they’re struggling with anxious thoughts and feelings during their pregnancy. It may be impacting on their ability to enjoy their pregnancy and bond with their baby, and there can be physical symptoms like not being able to sleep well (like we need any other problems with sleeping in pregnancy!!) BUT, just because these worries are normal and common, that doesn’t mean we can’t change them or improve how we feel. 

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