5 ways to reduce your anxiety in pregnancy

June 08, 2023

Many of my clients come to me because they’re struggling with anxious thoughts and feelings during their pregnancy. It may be impacting on their ability to enjoy their pregnancy and bond with their baby, and there can be physical symptoms like not being able to sleep well (like we need any other problems with sleeping in pregnancy!!) BUT, just because these worries are normal and common, that doesn’t mean we can’t change them or improve how we feel. 

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5 natural pain relief techniques to use during labour

February 20, 2023

If you’re anything like many of my clients, you’ll be approaching labour something like this…

You would love for your labour to be as natural as possible. You want to be present and aware of what’s going on (after all, it’s a pretty bloody special event, the birth of your child!) and you’re also aware of the impact of drugs on both your labour and your baby. Of course its great that we have the option of stronger pain relief! But it makes sense to start with the basics. 

So here are 5 things to get you thinking about what you might find helpful during your labour… 

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Using a birth ball during pregnancy and early labour

July 01, 2022

The benefits of using birth balls in labour have been suspected for a while, and in 2020 a study was published that confirmed some amazing statistics. The Ball Trial was introduced to look into women’s experiences of using a birth ball in labour. Not only did birth balls improve women’s early labour experience, they were associated with hospital admissions later in labour, and amazingly they reduced the rate of unplanned caesarean birth. 

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