5 Benefits of a Water Birth

January 05, 2022

The idea of giving birth in water is really popular – the majority of my clients say they would love to. But what is it that attracts us to birthing in water? And why do people rave about it so much?

Here are my top 5 benefits of giving birth in water...

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The One Where Rachel Has a Baby

October 25, 2021

You've seen it, right? (If you haven't, this picture tells you a lot of what you need to know!) Of course Friends is a comedy, not a documentary, but this episode is not that different in its content and feel to most of what we see on the TV when it comes to birth. 

And that's the trouble - because when we see this type of birth a lot, we think its pretty much how it is. That's what birth looks like, right? 

Wrong! So much of this episode is totally unrealistic, and totally unhelpful for birth in real life! Let's look at some of the issues...

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How painful is giving birth?

October 15, 2021

Some people say labour and birth is the worst pain ever (“oh don’t worry, I can survive this – I survived childbirth!!’….) whilst some say it's manageable. Some people even describe their birth as being pain free. But how can they all be describing the same process? I’m going to set out some of the things that impact how painful or comfortable giving birth will be.

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What do you need to know about gas & air?

August 15, 2021

Entenox (or gas & air) is a really popular form of pain relief. What do you need to know about it when considering your options for pain relief in labour?

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