What do you need to know about gas & air?

August 15, 2021

What do you need to know about gas & air?

😊  A really popular form of pain relief is entenox (gas & air). It allows you to still feel your contractions and so listen to your body and move with your body - all of which aids birth.

😊  It is quick to take effect and quick to leave the body - so if you don’t like it or it makes you feel nauseous (which some people find) you can just stop using it!

😊  It doesn’t cross the placenta and so won’t affect your baby or cause them to be born sleepy as some other pain relief can.

😊  You can use it to support long, slow breathing - and that is great for your uterus muscles and great for feeling more in control.

😊  It’s available wherever you give birth! Birth centre, labour ward, home, wherever!

😊  It’s really important NOT to bite the mouth piece - you need a soft jaw and mouth! Tension in the jaw = tension in the pelvis - which is really unhelpful for birth!

We go through all your pain relief options on my hypnobirthing & antenatal course - if you’d like to know more, get in touch about booking your place on a course.

Rachel xxx

Photo credit 📷  @chuikingli on Instagram

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