The birth of Cali

February 09, 2023

We arrived at Maidstone birth centre just after 5pm (I had your affirmation MP3 on repeat in the car whilst sniffing on lavender!) and the midwife was superb from arrival. I got in that pool as soon as I could and Cali arrived in the water by 6.30pm. I couldn't have asked for a better birth really.

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The birth of Elodie

November 24, 2022

The birth plan for my second child was exactly the same as my first birth plan for my daughter 4 years prior. Maidstone Birth Centre, water birth, no intervention, husband to be by my side, fairy lights, hypnobirthing tracks on etc.

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The Birth of Jude

May 21, 2022

Once the pool became warm enough, I moved back downstairs to complete the last stages of our labor journey in the water. Hugging my husband over the side of the pool and listening to my mediation music in candle light, whilst my body brought baby Jude into the world at 7.25pm. I lifted him out of the water with my own hands and Adam cut the cord that had connected us for the past 9 months.
Our new family hugged it out on our sofa whilst mine and Adams mums made us tea and talked us through our very first (first of many) nappy changes - Complete Bliss!

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The Birth of Esme

May 21, 2022

When we got to the delivery suite I headed straight for the desk to lean over. And I could feel my baby's head literally right there!! She was coming! The midwife frantically made sure the bath temperature was right and in the few seconds spare at the end of that last contraction I shot across the room and got in. Wowwwwww it was like a big hug, gloriously warm like a non-bubbly hot tub! 

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