Practical breastfeeding support + precious time to relax and focus on you + tools for a gentler start to parenthood + connection with other new mums

Have you noticed how during pregnancy its all about you.... and then you have your baby and suddenly its all about them?! Even though you are going through the biggest, most wonderful, most challenging, most exhausting thing you've ever done? Well here's a postnatal course all about YOU.
This is a 6 week course for you to attend with your baby, that will transform your breastfeeding journey and your start to parenthood.
You will:
- Receive regular, practical support with breastfeeding in those early weeks and months. Whether you are finding your latch painful, worried about your supply, or looking for more ways for your family to support you - we will cover it all.
- Enjoy some gorgeous - precious - relaxation time. Let's face it - you barely get a moment to yourself now! So having a regular slot to check in and give yourself some TLC will be the highlight of your week.
- Connect with other mums who are on the same rollercoaster of new parenthood. Sometimes hearing that others are in the same boat as you can be exactly what you need to hear - that what you are experiencing is normal!
- Receive emotional support in a non-judgmental space. Whether you want to exclusively breastfeed for as long as possible or combi-feed from the start - this course is about you being supported to parent your own way.
- Deepen your connection with your baby. Having the time and tools to bond further with your baby will not only be lovely for your relationship, it will make breastfeeding easier.
- Learn some simple but effective self-care tools to feel calmer & more positive. Tools to take with you through the rest of parenthood - and life in general!
- Receive a selection of relaxations on MP3, plus a small gift each week. A treat to remind you that you matter too.
Courses take place on Thursday mornings, 10.40am - 11.55am, at Ismini Phillips Studios in Tonbridge.
£89 per 6 week course
September course:
Thursday 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th September, 7th & 14th October
Book your place on a course